Around the World 3D Challenge!

Complete, and shown as Stereo Theater intros at 3D-Con 2020! Thanks everyone who participated!

New final deadline before NSA Virtual- July 31!!!

During this time of staying at home, many viral "challenges" have shown up around the internet. We've decided to try our own!

Here is a work in progress... As you can see, each person films a short scene, then in editing it appears they are interacting:

If you'd like to join, you just need a 3D camera, anaglyph 3D glasses, and a ViewMaster and/or stereo card viewer.

For your part in the challenge, you will film three scenes:

  1. Prep- make a sign or a prop that shows what city/country you're in. Dress in exciting fashion if you want.
  2. Start with your hand off-frame to your left. Bring your hand in with the reel/card/glasses. Put reel/card in viewer, advance or adjust the viewer and look at the content. Put it down, take out the reel/card, and pass it to your right, off-frame. You can violate the window a little in the middle, because why not. And feel free to do whatever you want, point something at the camera mug, whatever. I'm thinking 5 seconds per scene, but it's up to your imagination. The theme should be more fun/magic than stunts. For the glasses, you can look at something anaglyph, or just do mug or whatever to the camera.
  3. Please send me a link by July 31.
  4. If possible, videos should be in full frame side by side 3840x1080. But don't sweat the details, if it's half sbs or a Left and Right file (or anaglyph if you must), that will work too. (In fact I'll probably do 1920 half sbs bc it's easiest with my JVC.)
  5. Finally, send a side-by-side stereo image of yourself I can cut to for the slide and Viewmaster versions, i.e. "the image you're looking at". Then I'll edit it so the stereo card/reel you're looking at is the previous person. This may change based on pacing, etc.
Here's a peek at a still from an upcoming edit!

I hope that all makes sense! Let me know if any questions or problems.

Email- dave at phila3d dot com